Friday, January 06, 2006

Ahhhh, the horror of it all..................

OK, call me sick, call me twisted or call me whatever you want.
Not only am I very excited about this movie coming out today, but the guy in this poster, from what I can see of him, is damn HOT! Now I do understand that he is holding a chainsaw protruding from his groin as if it is his "junk". That I do not find hot. I also know that he most likely has the intentions of using that chainsaw in ways that would not make my " junk" jump to attention.
However, I am an arm man and his arms look fierce. I also have a thing for leather and the leather mask that he is wearing really does it for me. So if you can look past the menacing parts of him you can probably see what I am talking about.
He also looks as if he would be the strong silent type. Now, if he wanted to punish me in ways that would not end my life, make me scream in pain, horror or fear and make me lose any amounts of blood, I would be up for it. We would just have to find a different type of toy for him to use that did not require gasoline and have to be sharpened after being used.
Now more on the movie. If this movie turns out to be anything like Eli's prior movie, "Cabin Fever", then I am going to be one giddy screaming bitch. Horror/Thriller/Scary movies are my favorite and when one comes around that can actually scare me and make me want to leave the theater (or turn off the DVD) then I am in heaven. That rarely happens, but when it does, I am just beside myself in pure bliss and pleasure. I don't know why it is that I love these types of movies. As a child I was always mortified after watching anything remotely scary. I would have to sleep at the foot of my parents bed for weeks after watching something like that.
My mother took me to see "Orca, The Killer Whale" after much begging and pleading from me. I wanted to see the whale. It was a movie about animals and I was a freak over movies like that back then. Benji was one of my favorite franchises. So come on, a movie about a big cool looking whale had to be right up my alley. Once that whale jumped up and bit off Bo Dereks leg it was over for me. My mother had to rush me out of the theater and for months after that my parents would wake to find me on the floor at the foot of their bed sleeping.
Our maid, Felisa, either before or after Orca, took me to see "Sasquatch". It was a Disney movie. It was rated G. It was a movie made for kids. I don't think there is any movie from my childhood that has caused me more trauma and sleepless nights than this movie. It was also this experience that made me realize that Felisa hated me. I did not ask to see this movie. I don't think I even knew that this movie existed until she took me to see it. During the movie I screamed and cried more than I ever have in my life. The entire time Felisa just sat there and laughed. I begged her to leave and yet she made me sit there and watch it. When I would go to hide or sit on the floor she would force me back in my seat and direct my eyes to the screen. The more terrified I got the more she seemed to enjoy it. It was this movie, this Disney G rated kiddy movie that then ruined my summer trips to my grandparents house for many years to come. My grandparents (my mothers parents) lived in the piney woods of east Texas and I was now convinced that sasquatchs existed and they all lived in the vicinity of my grandparents house. I was convinced that at any given moment in the night they were going to come for me and take me away. Even in to my adulthood I still had lingering fears of those woods (actually it was more like a forrest). About a year after this traumatic event I got my version of revenge on her, even though I was not directly involved in what happened. It seems that my father was giving Felisa some bonuses on top of the pay and board that they were giving her. They were bonuses that my mother was not aware of and would never have approved of. One day my mother came home to find my father giving her one of these bonuses and the next day Felisa was being deported. It seems that Felisa was not a citizen and had no green card so with one phone call she was forever gone from my life. I couldn't have been happier to have her gone. Not only did she torture me with that movie but she was always getting me in trouble. It was not till many years later that I found out what had actually happened but I still counted this as my own personal revenge on her.
Sometime after this I was visiting my grandparents. I wanted to see the new Star Trek movie that was out. My grandparents took me to see it. This was also the same time that they started advertising the movie "The Shining". The first preview they showed was the teaser for "The Shining". It was a simple teaser which only showed the elevator doors while an announcer talked about the movie, saying shit like "from famed author Stephen King comes a movie of unimaginable horror"... blah blah blah. I don't remember what was said I just remember the camera being focused on the elevator doors and nothing else. Then it happened. The guy was done talking and the doors opened up and tons of blood came rushing out. Hundreds and hundreds of gallons of blood spilled forth. That is all it took. Some elevator doors and hundreds of gallons of blood and I was a goner. That image haunted me for months to come. I don't think I slept a single wink the remainder of my stay at my grandparents house. Not only did I have to worry about the sasquatchs coming to get me I now had this vision of horror that would not leave my head. I can still think of that and get a feeling of dread. I bought the DVD of "The Shining" a few years ago and they had that as an extra. I watched it and all the feelings came rushing back. I was no longer scared of it or anything like that, but it brought back the memories of what it did to me back then.
I only mention all of this to point out the irony of how I now love horror/scary movies. I don't know when it happened or what caused it to happen, but eventually I found that I was in search of movies that I feared as a young kid. The more they scared me, the more I loved them.
When I was about 15 or so my father introduced me to the movie "Black Christmas". To this day that is probably my favorite scary movie of all time. If you have never seen this movie and you love scary movies I highly urge you to rent this jewel. It is an older movie from the seventies, but it is one that still stands up against all others. It is also what most people call the granddaddy of movies like "Halloween", "Friday the 13th" and all other movies like that.
OK, so now that I have rambled on and on, I hope I have made some sort of point and sense. The point being that I love horror movies and cannot wait to see "Hostel". I hope that it brings out the feelings that I once used to run from. I hope it makes me want to run out of the theater screaming. I hope it makes me have to sleep with the lights on and double check the doors at night to make sure that a Sasquatch cannot come in and get me.
There also seems to be a similar deal with roller coasters but that is another post for another day.


At 10:56 PM CST, Blogger Bart said...

cool post, i had similar parents who took me to vastly inappropriate movies as a lad but i love it, I felt bad for Orca though, didn't they kill her whale-baby? keep it up, good reading

At 8:28 AM CST, Blogger Glynn said...

Thanks Bart. Yes, you are correct, they did kill Orca's baby and she was only enacting her revenge on the people who did so. I did feel sorry for Orca also but the sight of Orca biting off that leg was just more than I could handle back then. Thanks for the encouraging comment.


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