Thursday, January 05, 2006

A new year, a new post.

Well, let me first say that I don't really know who I am writing this for other than my other half. I don't know if anyone ever comes across this blog or not. And if they do, I don't know if they bother to read it. But, since I am optimistic, I am going to write this as if I have thousands of readers each day.
First off, the pics of the fabulous lights that adorned our house, I am still waiting on honey to send them to me so I can post them here for all of you thousands to view and rejoice at the beauty. OK, so, until I get them posted, do not bitch.
Second, New Years eve and how we spent it. To even give the long story of our New Years Eve would still be brief so here's all of it. Once we finally got motivated I got our friend Kata to come over. Over she came with food in hand. We ate and then played games. I think we might have watched a movie, but I don't really remember. During one of the games I looked up at the clock and noticed that it was 12:04. Hmmmph. I announced this to the group, the two of them, and my honey and I kissed and then Kata and I exchanged pecks on the cheek. That was it. Shortly after that she had to leave so she could get some sleep before her little paper route.
There you have it, our exciting New Years Eve extravaganza. It really was not as bad as I make it sound as I am not really up to the partying anymore. I just cannot garner the energy to head out to a club and stand around people that I don't really care for and act all smiley and shit. I can do that at home. Just kidding honey.
So that is how the 2006 started and it has been going fine since. I hope that is a sign for the new year that everything is going to be fine. Nothing out of this world, nothing too devastating, just fine. I can handle "just fine", in fact, most of the time I prefer "just fine" over anything else. At least with "just fine" it is just that, just fine.
Now I leave you with a pic of one of our babies. That is Chico at the top. He was the youngest of the brood but that all changed a couple of days after Christmas when honey came home with our new baby, Scarlet.
Along with the promise of putting up pics of the lights I will make the same claim about a pic of scarlet. She is still so young and I am not sure that we are ready to expose her to society yet, but when we are, you all will be the first to see her.
Happy New Year to you all. All the thousands or just the one. Whatever, it is just fine.


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