Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Christmas mood

So, christmas is almost here and I am still trying to find the mood. Used to be when November arrived I could not wait for it to be over so I could drag all the lights and the tree out and then go crazy. This year, Thanksgiving came and went and I just sat around dreading having to get out all the decorations. I don't know what it is about this year. Halloween came and I was not in the mood. Thanksgiving came and I was not in the mood. Christmas is almost here and I have yet to put up a single light. The only reason that I will put up any decorations this year is because I have a competitive spirit and I will be damned if I am going to let the neighbors outdo me. I must put up christmas lights so that they will know how must be done. I am no Griswald by any means, but I am very particular about how christmas lights should look. I think there is a tasteful way to do it and there is a trashy way to do it. I, being biased of course, believe that I do it in a tasteful and classy way. My neighbors, however, do it in a trashy way. It is up to me to be the leader and make them feel like the white trash that they are. They need to be schooled in the art of christmas decorations. Hmmm, now after re-reading what I just wrote, I wonder if it is the christmas spirit that I have ever had and not just some enormous drive to be the best. Ha, the best at putting up christmas lights. Is there such a thing? Well, just drive by my house and look at the rest of the neighborhood then rest your adoring eyes on my tastefully lit house and you will know there is such a thing.


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