Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Straight boys in heat.

I just love the way he is looking at him. It is sooo damn hot.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to the few who might come across this tiny little blog. I hope everyone has a great Christmas and a super New Year. Since I made such a big fuss about putting up lights on my house I will get some pics and post them, provided they come out well. I will have the better half take them since he does a better job of stuff like that.

Well, this christmas should be interesting as we are having it at our house for the first time. I don't know what came over me earlier this year when the subject of christmas came up, but it just poured out of my mouth like vocal vomit. (sorry for that mental image) I just figured that we had been in our house for about 5 years now and had yet to have any major event there. Also, John and I are the only ones who bother to put up a tree and decorate the house and all that good stuff. My grandparents put up a tree, but it is one of those ceramic deals and I don't really count that as a Christmas tree. It is a Christmas decoration, but it is just not the same to gather around a 12" tall ceramic tree and celebrate Christmas. Plus, we have such a large extended family now since we have the two families together (my grandmother becomes almost unbearable with large groups in her house) that it just makes more sense to have them all join at our house. That way when my grandmother gets in her mood I can remind her that she is no longer on her turf and she does not call the shots. I know that sounds kind of rude and mean, but if you knew her you would understand completely. Luckily we still have Johns mom living with us and she is a wonderful cook and really gets into cooking all that stuff, so we will not have to worry about all that. With the three of us we are going to pull off a great dinner. We were even lucky enough to get the last Turducken. For those of you who thought I just spoke some foreign language there, a Turducken is a boneless turkey stuffed with a boneless duck which is then stuffed with a bonelss chicken and then stuffed with some excellent stuffing. It started somewhere in Louisiana and my Aunt and Uncle from New Orleans would always have one or bring one with them. Well they finally made it across the state line into Texas and you can buy them at H.E.B. or Wal-Mart. They don't have many of them so to get one is a great feat indeed. For those who have no idea what H.E.B. is, it is a large Southern/Central Texas grocery chain. Almost the only grocery chain there is around here anymore. Every time one opens up in a town/city all the other grocery stores close down. They only competition they have now days is from all the super Wal-Mart's that open up. The super Wal-Mart's are another story all their own. We have two that are only three miles apart from each other out of the 5 or so that are in our area.

OK, so after everything is said and done, hopefully there will be some pretty interesting things to write about. As soon as I have time and get my thoughts together I will post some of the better things or all of them, just depends on how interesting things get and how evil my grandmother gets.

So, once again just want to say have a Merry Christmas. Hope that Santa is good to you and you get everything on your list. Don't drink too much egg nog and take care if you are having to travel out of town for the holidays.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Very hot pic. Posted by Picasa

Yummy!!! Rusty Joiner is soooooooooooo hot. Posted by Picasa

water, does a body good................. Posted by Picasa

Makes me wanna be a horse. Posted by Picasa

Christmas mood

So, christmas is almost here and I am still trying to find the mood. Used to be when November arrived I could not wait for it to be over so I could drag all the lights and the tree out and then go crazy. This year, Thanksgiving came and went and I just sat around dreading having to get out all the decorations. I don't know what it is about this year. Halloween came and I was not in the mood. Thanksgiving came and I was not in the mood. Christmas is almost here and I have yet to put up a single light. The only reason that I will put up any decorations this year is because I have a competitive spirit and I will be damned if I am going to let the neighbors outdo me. I must put up christmas lights so that they will know how must be done. I am no Griswald by any means, but I am very particular about how christmas lights should look. I think there is a tasteful way to do it and there is a trashy way to do it. I, being biased of course, believe that I do it in a tasteful and classy way. My neighbors, however, do it in a trashy way. It is up to me to be the leader and make them feel like the white trash that they are. They need to be schooled in the art of christmas decorations. Hmmm, now after re-reading what I just wrote, I wonder if it is the christmas spirit that I have ever had and not just some enormous drive to be the best. Ha, the best at putting up christmas lights. Is there such a thing? Well, just drive by my house and look at the rest of the neighborhood then rest your adoring eyes on my tastefully lit house and you will know there is such a thing.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Damn, he is too hot for words. Posted by Picasa

Still getting a feel for this

I am still not sure what it is I want to do with this. I have many blogs that I like to read daily and I am still searching for ideas. Until I know what it is I want to do and how to do it, I will post pics as regularly as possible and some text posts from time to time to keep you up to date on what the hell is going on with me (just in case you care). One thing I would like to do is link to other blogs that I read. I am going to try and figure this out first, but if anyone would like to help me and give me some hints, please feel free, I will be more than glad to hear from you.
Peace and love to ya.

Poor Laura. Poor, poor, poor Laura. I would feel sorry for her if I could stop laughing my ass off.  Posted by Picasa

If only I had been this smart as a little girl. HA HA HA I love this. Posted by Picasa

If I remember correctly, I took this from Alex over at The Great Cock Hunt. I love that blog and cannot get enough of it. If you have never seen his blog before, you really need to check it out. It will have you horny and ready to go in no time. Posted by Picasa

Speaks for itself Posted by Picasa

Just in case you care, this is a pic of me and my honey taken in New Orleans before all the drama and horror. This is at the museum that sits to the left of the cathedral in Jackson square. Posted by Picasa

I am also a supporter of our military. God knows I would give him the support he needed in any form that he needed it. Posted by Picasa

Don't you just love a hot cowboy. I know I do. Yummy!!! Save a horse, ride a cowboy!!!! Yee Haw!!!! Posted by Picasa

I just love Absolut and their ads. This hits the mark and is humorous at the same time. Posted by Picasa

Me on right with a friend Posted by Picasa

Me with Deborah Gibson Posted by Picasa