Friday, February 10, 2006

My step Grand-Monster

Well, it has been quite a while since my last post. I have no excuse other than I am lazy and really don't know what to post about a lot of the time.
I have had some interesting stuff going on the last couple of weeks though, so here ya go.
My father's step mother is an evil woman and I usually refer to her as my Step Grand-Monster. She has always been an evil woman. My grandfather on the other hand was about as sweet and nice as they come. No one has ever been able to figure out why they were ever married and why they were married for as long as they were. A few years ago my grandfather passed away. It turns out that they had lived in the same town as I for about 9 months without ever letting me know. As you can probably figure out I don't keep in much contact with that side of my family. Anyway, the only reason I even found out that they were living there is because my grandfather was dying and had asked for me while on his death bed. Luckily my father and half sister were there when this happened because my step grandmonster would have never done anything about it. They called me and filled me in on everything and so to my grandfathers side I went. It was very touching and quite satisfying to know that even during his last moments he still thought of me. A few days later he passed away and then that left my step grandmonster alone. I am the only person in the family who lives in that town. I assume out of guilt or loneliness she made attempts at getting close to me. I, out of feeling sorry for her, made attempts to see her. Every time I called to get her to do something or go somewhere she always had other plans. Finally, after being told "no" too many times, I gave up. About once a month I would make my requisite call to her but she never had time for anything. She would then tell my father how I never called and never came to see her. This would always cause problems because my father would then call me and question me about why I never did anything for or with her. Thankfully I was not the only one she was doing this to so he finally figured out I was not lying. Not like I really cared if he knew or not, but I don't like being portrayed as something I am not. I don't like it when people paint me to be some uncaring bitch or bastard when it is they who are the bitch and/or bastard. ( let me clear up how evil she is/was...... she abandoned her children when they were little and waited almost 30 years to have anything to do with them. She kicked my father out of the house when he was 16. When I was young my parents dropped me off at their, my grandfather and step grandmonster, house and she got mad and left the house and would not return until they came back and picked me up. My grandfather had to sneak me birthday and christmas money because she would get mad if she knew he had done so. Once she did make contact with her kids again she loaned her daughter money to buy a house and a business. When they had 1 payment left to pay off the business my grandmonster forclosed on the house and business (she had them tied together in the loan) because she got in a fight with her daughters husband. I could go on and on and on but I will leave you with these examples)
Well, a week ago she, my step grandmonster, fell down and hit her head and was knocked out. While she was out she had a few strokes. She was not found until the next day by her cleaning lady. She was not supposed to make it through the night. My dad called me and let me know.
John, my partner, and I went to see her the next day and she was suprisingly doing better. She was awake and could talk. She just did not understand why she was there.
This event caused family to come out of the woodwork and also brought out all the secrets she had been keeping since my grandfather passed.
Turns out she had been seeing a younger man. She is 78 and he is 42. Turns out that she had been seeing his brother first but then found out that he was sneaking around behind her back so she dumped him. He is 36. Also turns out that she was going to buy the new bf his own restaraunt as he is a chef. Unfortunately he got sent to prison for something to do with drugs.
She was also going to marry him and the whole time that he has been in prison she has been paying all his legal fees trying to get him out. She had also found out how to marry someone by proxy since her cleaning lady had done the same thing and married someone while they were in prison. Now this next part does not bother me but it has torn up the rest of the family. Keep in mind that I live in Texas and for the most part that whole family is your typical southern family and have typical southern beliefs. I even fear that some, maybe most, of them are southern baptist. Knowing all this makes more sense as to why they are torn up over this next bit of information. Turns out the two brothers, while not only being much younger than her, are also black. ( and quite hot and hunky as I saw the first one when he came to the hospital to see her)
They are also very, very poor. It is really this last part that has me upset about the situation. I don't care of they are younger or black, I just care that it is obvious that they are after her money. It has become obvious that the whole Brown family (their last name) is after her money because they have been trying to get her married to the brother in prison before she dies. It is also obvious that my whole family is also after her money. But, they are her family and the Browns are not. We had to hire a security guard to sit outside her room to keep the many attempts at getting her to sign paperwork which would enable them to get her married from being successful.
I don't really care if I get anything from her or not, but I will be damned if I am going to let some poor nasty ass trashy family get in there and take what is not theirs. I may not like her much but I will not let her be taken advantage of in that way. I cannot prevent my family from taking advantage of her, but kind of in a way she owes it to them. These are the ones she left behind so many years ago and has treated like shit ever since she reunited with them. These are also the ones that she treated like shit while they were still in her life all these years. The only person she was ever nice to is now dead and gone.
Being that my father lives about 90 miles away he has been having to stay at our house while all this is going on. My father is kind of a flake and very much a pain in the ass so this has been emotionally draining on me factored in with everything else going on. Luckily they are going to be moving my step grandmonster to a nursing home close to her sister soon. The hospital has said there is nothing more they can do for her and that she will never recover from this. In fact, they have given her less than 60 days to live. This is lucky because my father will get to go home and I will not have to be bothered by him again until she passes away. After that it will be probably around a year or so before I speak to him or see him again. That is just the way it works and I like it just fine. My whole relationship with my father is a whole other story and I will share that one day in a different post.
So, that is what has been going on so far. I will, if in the mood and have the energy, post an update once the old bag has passed on or has decided she is going to drag this on for years and years. I can see her dragging on just to piss everyone else off. Sure this all sound mean, but if you knew her you would know that I am actually being nice.